27 research outputs found

    Supervisión de la simulación de procesos de control mediante ecuaciones de paridad FF

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    [Resumen] Este artículo describe la tarea de supervisión del proceso de simulación en tiempo real de procesos de control. El algoritmo propuesto de supervisión del proceso de simulación está basado en el procesamiento masivamente paralelo de ecuaciones de paridad, en donde se comparan datos actuales reales con la salida dinámica del modelo de proceso. Si los residuos de las ecuaciones de paridad están dentro de límites admisibles entonces la información de inicialización y actualización del modelo de simulación, es admitida y el proceso de simulación es validad

    Static compensation on the basis of NNBM predictor under Foundation Fieldbus

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    World Automation Congress, WAC 2004, Sevilla, SpainThis paper deals with the problem of disturbance compensation by means of a novel feedforward control procedure. It consists in the additive association of a conventional feedback control action with the prediction of the steady state control effort necessary to keep the controlled plant under setpoint requirements. Such steady state control effort is achieved by means of inverse neural network based modelling prediction. Predictors are based in an inverse neural network steady state plant model. Implementation procedure is carried out with the facilities supplied by a FOUNDATION Fieldbus compliant tool which manage databases, neural network structures and training algorithmsMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología; DPI2003-0051

    A complement to autotuning methods on PID controllers

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    [Abstract] This paper describes a complement to the autotuning ATV method. The proposed strategy is based in a frequency response design technique to get a three-term controller as a special case of a lead-lag design. The main topic of such autotuning technique concerns to the type of excitation signal on the plant which is a sine wave openloop excitation instead of a relay feedback used in the harmonic balanc

    Multivariable fuzzy cascade compensation

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    This work deals with some practical aspects of fuzzy PID controllers regarding multivariable non-linear cascade compensation. This contribution concerns to the task of compensation for multivariable disturbances on the manipulated variable. The strategy consists in establishing a fuzzy rule base for all disturbance variables which afect the manipulated variable and compensate the control variable by cascade action by means of the proposed fuzzy rule base properly adjuste

    Hybrid modelling using neural network based prediction under Foundation Fieldbus

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    World Automation Congress, WAC 2004, Sevilla, SpainThe objective of this work is to describe a novel methodology for modelling MV and NL processes, useful among other applications, in fault detection tasks, possibly to be applied on plant supervision, including transient state fault detection and decision making according the well known method based on parity equations and rule based residuals evaluationMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología; DPI2003-0051

    Multivariable fuzzy feedforward compensation

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    This work deals with some practical aspects of fuzzy PID controllers regarding multivariable non-linear feedforward compensation. This contribution concerns to the task of compensation for multivariable disturbances on the controlled variable. The strategy consist in establishing a fuzzy rule base for all disturbance variables and compensate the control variable by feedforward action by means of a fuzzy rule base properly adjuste

    Virtual intelligent sensors on wide plant control applications: an approach

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    [Abstract] This paper describes a simple and reliable method to acquire information instantaneously on the basis of predictive computations of data acquired with significant time delay. The estimated value of any measured variable is the output of a virtual sensor implemented by means of a virtual engineering programming too

    Compensación de procesos con retardo bajo Foundation Fieldbus

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    [Resumen] En este artículo se describen los modos de compensación de lazos de control afectados de retardo puro utilizando las técnicas aplicables en arquitecturas Fundation Fieldbu

    Administración de recursos algorítmicos en dispositivos Foundation Fieldbus

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    [Resumen] En este artículo se revisan las pautas para administrar los recursos de Fundation Fieldbus (FF) en la implementación de algoritmos de control de cara al aprovechamiento óptimo de los dispositivos basados en (FF

    Preliminary design study to implement multipurpose virtual sensors

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    [Abstract] This paper describes a method to perform the task of measuring some different magnitudes with a unique differential pressure transducer. To do so, it is necessary to perform the task of calibrate the primary elements of transducers by computing the acquired data with significant non linearities and time varying parameters mainly in the primary element of transducers. The estimated value of any measured variable is the output of a virtual sensor implemented by means of a virtual engineering programming too